An Introduction To Neomesh Image Console
Neomesh Image Console is a command utility used for converting and manipulating your images from the command line.
If you are using the trial version of Image Console you can register for the full version at http://www.neomesh.com
With this software you can;
- Convert between image formats
- Create GIF animation's
- Manipulate your images
- Add effects to your images
- Create thumbnails
Setting the path;
Setting the path to Image Console is required if you want to be able to use Image Console anywhere in your system without having to refer to the installation directory.
Example C:>ImageConsole /type:bmp *.jpg myfolder
Rather than C:>\program files\neomesh microsystems\imageconsole\imageconsole /type:bmp *.jpg myfolderTo do this you need to open up c:\autoexec.bat and append "c:\program files\neomesh microsystems\imageconsole" (or somewhere else you installed Image Console) to PATH.
(Windows95)set PATH="c:\program files\neomesh microsystems\imageconsole"
set PATH=c:\some folder\someOtherApp;"c:\program files\neomesh microsystems\imageconsole" etc(Windows NT)
PATH "c:\program files\neomesh microsystems\imageconsole"
PATH c:\some folder\someOtherApp;"c:\program files\neomesh microsystems\imageconsole" etc.
Examples of use;
Do a simple conversion from jpg to gif
imageconsole inputname.jpg outputname.gif
Convert all jpg images in this directory to gif in the outputdirectory
imageconsole /type:gif *.jpg outputdirectory
Convert all jpg images in this directory to gif in the output directory (using speech marks since there is a space in the name "output directory")
imageconsole /type:gif *.jpg output" "directory
Convert all png images in this directory to gif in the output directory (using speech marks since there is a space in the name "output directory")
imageconsole /type:gif C:\Documents" "and" "Settings\Guest\images\*.png output" "directory
Convert all jpg images in this directory to gifs with "newfilename" number ".gif" (place the % where you want the number to be)
Files will end up looking like newfilename.gif, newfilename1.gif, newfilename2.gif.....etcimageconsole *.jpg newfilename%.gif
Create a GIF animation from your images. Loop forever and wait one second between images
imageconsole /animate /loop:-1 /time:100 *.jpg myanimation.gif
Convert images without asking whether to overwrite or not.
imageconsole /overwrite *.jpg images%num.gif
Convert all images in this directory to gif resizing the width to 500 and keeping the original aspect ratio
imageconsole /resize /width:500 *.jpg images%num.gif
Convert images without asking whether to overwrite or not.
imageconsole /overwrite *.jpg images%num.gif
Convert images to gif adding red text with the Times New Roman font
imageconsole /text /textleft:100 /texttop:100 /red:255 /font:"Times New Roman" /string:"Neomesh Image" *.jpg images%num.gif
Convert jpg images in this directory to jpg negatives with the quality set to 75%
imageconsole /negative /type:jpg /quality:75 *.jpg outputdir
The animate option tells Image Console to create a GIF animation. You can set the time between frames and the number of times the animation is to loop by settings the attributes.
Sets the time between frames. Default is 100 (1sec). Set in increments of 0.10 of a second, so for 10 seconds you would use 1000.
Minimum is 10;/loop:-1
Sets the number of times the animation is to loop. If you want it to loop forever you would enter in -1 (default). For it to loop only once you would enter in 1.
imageconsole /animation /time:100 /loop:1 *.jpg image.gif Tells Image Console to create an animation from all jpg images in this directory and save the animation as image.gif. The image will loop only once and will wait 1 second before showing the next frame.
imageconsole /animation /time:100 /loop:1 image1.jpg image3.jpg image0.jpg image.gif Tells Image Console to create an animation from image1, image3 and image0 the animation as image.gif in this order. The image will loop only once and will wait 1 second before showing the next frame.
Colorize the image by setting the hue and saturation of the image.
Changes the hue of the image (0 - 255)./saturation:100
Changes the saturation of the image (0 - 255).
imageconsole /colorize /hue:150 *.jpg image%.tif Colorizes the image by setting the hue to 150 and uses the default saturation value of 100 then saves the images as TIFs into this directory.
Set the convert flag for a normal conversion. The convert flag is set by default
If you are converting to a gif you can set different compression methods.0 = RLE (Run Length Encoding)
1 = None (No compression)
2 = LZW (default)/tiftype:5
If you are converting to a tif you can set different compression method. (Note: some require the /dither:0 switch to be set)1 = None
2 = RLE
3 = Fax3
4 = Fax4
5 = LZW (default)
7 = Jpeg
imageconsole /convert image.jpg output.bmp Tells Image Console to convert input file to output file
Same as;
imageconsole image.jpg output.bmp Tells Image Console to convert input file to output file
imageconsole /dither:0 /tiftype:3 image.jpg output.tif Tells Image Console to convert the input file to TIF using the Fax3 encoding method. Using the /dither:0 flag since this image compression method requires that the image be dithered first. LZW, None and Jpeg don't require the dither switch to be set.
The crop option tells Image Console to crop the image(s) before saving them. Specify the left and top position and also the width and height.
Sets the left position for the crop./croptop:0
Sets the top position for the crop./cropwidth:100
Sets the width for the crop./cropheight:100
Sets the height for the crop.
imageconsole /crop /cropleft:10 /croptop:10 /cropwidth:200 /cropheight:300 *.jpg image%.gif Crops a 190 x 290 square out of the images in this directory and then saves them as GIF's.
Dilate X amount of pixels in the image.
Set the 2 to something else to adjust the kernal size
imageconsole /dilate:4 *.jpg image%.gif Dilate all the JPG images in this directory with the kernal size of 4 and then save the images as GIF's.
Dither using X method (converts to black and white). Change 0 to the desired dithering method.
0 = floyd steinberg.
1 = ordered dither.
imageconsole /dither:0 *.jpg image%.gif Dither all the JPG images in this directory using the floyd steinberg method and save them as GIF's
Erode X amount of pixels in the image.
Set the 2 to something else to adjust the kernal size
imageconsole /erode:4 *.jpg image%.gif Erode all the JPG images in this directory with the kernal size of 4 and then save the images as GIF's.
The flip option tells Image Console to flip the image before saving them.
imageconsole /flip *.jpg image%.gif Image Console will flip the image(s) and then save them to a GIF format.
The gamma option adjusts the images gamma values.
Set the 0.1 to something else to change the gamma amount. Can be set between 0.1 and 5.0
imageconsole /gamma:1 *.jpg image%.gif Adjusts the gamma on all the jpg images in this directory and saves them as GIF's into this directory.
Convert the image into grayscale.
imageconsole /grayscale *.jpg image%.tif Converts all of the JPG images in this directory, transforms them into grayscale and then saves them as TIFF's.
/help or /?
Displays a list of commands you can use with Image Console.
imageconsole /help | more Displays help (commands) and is piped into 'more' making it easier to read by pressing Enter.
The increase option tells Image Console to increase the number of bits per pixel and colors in an image. Increase is done automatically for jpeg images but some other images may still need it.
Set the 24 to something else to change bpp. Note some images cannot be increase e.g. GIF.
- 4 = 16 colors and 4 bpp
- 8 = 256 colors and 8 bpp
- 24= 1,6777,216 colors and 24 bpp
imageconsole /increase:24 *.gif image%.tif Image Console increases the 8 bit gif to a 24bit tif. No extra colors are added, the number of colors that can be used has increased.
Adjust the contrast and/or brightness of an image
Increases or decreases the brightness (-255 - 255)./contrast:0
Increases or decreases the contrast (-100 - 100).
imageconsole /light /contrast:25 *.jpg image%.tif Increases just the contrast 100 and while converting all the JPG images in this folder to TIF's
Median X amount of pixels in the image.
Set the 3 to something else to adjust the kernal size
imageconsole /median:4 *.jpg image%.gif Median all the JPG images in this directory with the kernal size of 4 and then save the images as GIF's.
The mirror option tells Image Console to mirror the image before saving them.
imageconsole /mirror *.jpg image%.gif Image Console will mirror the image(s) and then save them to a GIF format.
Convert the image into its negative.
imageconsole /negative *.jpg image%.tif Converts all of the JPG images in this directory, transforms them into negatives and then saves them as TIFF's.
Set this option if you want Image Console to overwrite existing images in the output directory without prompting.
imageconsole /overwrite image.jpg image.gif tells Image Console not to prompt to overwrite a file if it exists.
The reduce option tells Image Console to reduce the number of bits per pixel and colors in an image.
Set the 8 to something else to change bpp and number of colors. Note some images cannot be reduced.
- 1 = 2 colors and 1 bpp
- 4 = 16 colors and 4 bpp
- 8 = 256 colors and 8 bpp
imageconsole /reduce:8 *.jpg image%.tif Image Console reduces the 24bit jpeg to an 8bit tif using the quantization algorithm.
Repair an image by removing small defects.
Sets the radius of the repair./niterations:1
Sets the niterations of the repair./colorspace:0
Sets the colorspace of the repair.
imageconsole /repair /radius:0.25 *.jpg image%.tif Repairs the image using the default values for niterations and colorspace, then saves the images as TIF's
/resize:0 or /resize
The resize option tells Image Console to resize the image(s) before saving them. You can set both the width and the height or you can just set one and keep the aspect ratio of the other.
Set the 0 to something else to change the resize method. Other options are;
- 0 = Bilinear
- 1 = Nearest Pixel
- 2 = Bicubic Spline Interpolation
Sets the new width of the image.
Minimum is 1, 0 will constrain width automatically sizing to keep the aspect ratio when height is changed./height:0
Sets the new height of the image.
Minimum is 1, 0 will constrain height automatically sizing to keep the aspect ratio when width is changed.
imageconsole /resize /width:100 *.jpg image%.gif Tells Image Console to resize the image(s) width to 100 keeping the aspect ratio for height;
imageconsole /resize:1 /width:100 /height image1.jpg image3.jpg image0.jpg image%.gif Tells Image Console to resize the width and height for image1, image3 and image0 using the Nearest Pixel method and then saving the images as GIFS.
Adjust the Red, Green and Blue intensity values of the whole image.
Sets the red intensity of the image (-255 - 255)./green:0
Sets the green intensity of the image (-255 - 255)./blue:0
Sets the blue intensity of the image (-255 - 255).
imageconsole /rgb /red:-100 *.jpg image%.tif Reduces the red intensity of the images and then saves the images as TIF's
The rotate option tells Image Console to rotate the image X amount of degrees clockwise.
Set the 45 to something else to change the amount in degrees
imageconsole /rotate:90 *.gif image%.tif Image Console rotates all of the GIF images in this directory 90 degrees and then saves them as TIFFs
Add text to the image(s) using the specified font and text size.
Sets the distance from left position of the text./texttop:20
Sets the distance from top position of the text ./align:0
Sets the alignment of the text (0 - 3).- 0 = top left (default)
- 1 = bottom left
- 2 = top right
- 3 = bottom right/red:0
Sets the red intensity of the text (0 - 255)./green:0
Sets the green intensity of the text (0 - 255)./blue:0
Sets the blue intensity of the text (0 - 255)./font:arial
Sets the font of the text (speech marks are required for fonts that have spaces in them - see example)./string:"You String"
Sets the text to be drawn onto the image (speech marks are required for strings with spaces)./textsize:9
Sets the point size of the text./textweight:10
Sets the weight of the text./italic
If set the string will be displayed in italics./underline
If set the string will be underlined.
imageconsole /text /textleft:100 /texttop:200 /red:0 /green:255 /blue:0 /font:"Times New Roman" /string:"Neomesh Image Converter" /textsize:20 /textweight:10 /underline *.jpg image%.gif Draws text onto the image at the position 100 x 200, in green, with the font Times New Roman, the point size being 20, text weight being 10 and the text is underlined. The green text will be 'Neomesh Image Converter' in the newly saved GIF images.
Threshold an image (sets the image to just 2 colors - black & white)
Image Console will find the optimal threshold setting./level:100
If you don't declare the /optimal switch you can manually set the threshold level by using this switch.
imageconsole /threshold /optimal *.jpg image%.tif Threshold all of the JPG images in this directory and save them to TIF's. By using the optimal setting Image Console chooses the best level to use.
Create thumbnails from your images with this option. You can set the size of the thumbnail and also the background color of the thumbnail. (You would set the background color the same as the background of your webpage). The result is an image with the same aspect ratio of the original but with the new size you set.
Sets the width of the thumbnail./thumbheight:100
Sets the height of the thumbnail/red:0
Sets the red intensity of the background (0 - 255)./green:0
Sets the green intensity of the background (0 - 255)./blue:0
Sets the blue intensity of the background (0 - 255).
imageconsole /thumb /thumbwidth:200 /thumbheight:200 /red:255 /green:255 /blue:255 *.jpg image%.gif Makes a thumbnail with the width and height set at 200 pixels, sets the background color to white. Converts all of the JPG images in this directory to GIF's.
Type is used when the output filename is set as a directory. If the last argument is a output directory rather than a filename you must use type to tell Image Console what the output format is to be
imageconsole /type:gif *.jpg outputdir Tells Image Console that the output extension of the newly converted image is to be a GIF.
Output types can be;
Dither using X method (converts to black and white). Change 0 to the desired dithering method.
imageconsole /version Displays what version of Image Console you are running.